I’ve been working with a lady client recently and we were talking about the power of having a mantra or personal code of conduct in terms of starting the day well and if necessary, acting as a reminder during the day to help refocus attention.
Originating from Hinduism and Buddhism, a mantra was a word or a chant repeated to aid meditation, and which has now been developed for modern-day use to concentrate attention on a way of being, which is what mindful meditation was really designed for.
Most people know that repetition is one of the core 4 ways to make change happen and builds on the practice of creating and embedding new desired habits so they stick.
A mantra runs deeper than your typical and often ineffective ‘I am affirmations’ because it cuts deep into the subconscious mind and your deepest desires, ones that the brain can’t argue with and hence, using such a mantra avoids the inner conflict that usually comes from using “I am affirmations’.
I love what she came back with and asked if I could share it because if you’re looking for your own mantra, this isn’t a bad one to begin with or at least, it will stimulate some thoughts in terms of creating your own.
“How I live my life is MY choice.
My attitude is MY choice, I am in control of it, not my brain.
What I choose to do or not do each day is MY choice.
How I act or behave is MY choice.
What others think of me is their choice — what I think of myself is MY choice.
Whether I see opportunity or threat is MY choice.
The past is the past, it’s gone forever and leaving it there is MY choice.
What I think, say and do from here on in shapes my reality now and in the future, these are all MY choices.”
Why not leave a comment with your thoughts or feel free to share your own mantra with your friends or family :)
Best Regards,
Author: Strong Minds | Creator: Personal Leadership Mastery & The Unique ‘From-To’ Rapid Mindshift Formula
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